No need for bailouts with Self Directed IRA!

Good Morning Intelligent Investors,

No More Stock Market Woes

Why are so many people worried sick about the stock market today?  The stock market is just one of several strategies to acquiring wealth. When the stock market crashes shouldn’t people look for the other opportunities that are out there?

It blows my mind that even in this market, people aren’t  trying to educate themselves on how to invest their money.  Well, I’m glad that this isn’t a problem with our intelligent investors.

Intelligent investors understand that wealth is created in times of chaos!  I have to say it again……..Intelligent investors understand that wealth is created in times of chaos!

This is the time that you are supposed to find out how to invest the right way.  When I say the right way, I mean that you need to educate yourself, and stop leaving your money and your future in the hands of a salesman who works off of a commission.  I’m sorry if I offend any brokers out there, but I have to tell the truth.

I believe that any broker worth a grain of salt should educate himself on  self directed IRAs so that they can, in turn, educate their clients.

Attention Brokers!

If brokers are really interested in helping their clients they should find out how the self directed IRA blows the stock market away!  Remember this investors, your broker may not be so quick to endorse what I’m saying because it will be a conflict of interest.

They would be telling you to take your money out of their company’s hands (and out of their pockets) to put somewhere that it can really grow!  Does this make sense intelligent investors? 

I need people that want to help others.  Please contact me if you are a rebel and want to help me bring this message to your town.  My team does seminars on this all over the country.  We require 100 people in attendance to  come to  your town.

Please leave comments and email me if you are interested.  We will even come to your REIA. (see video below)

Do you remember Maria?  Scroll down to look at Maria’s video clip in this blog.

People all over the country are moving their money to Equity Trust Company so that they can team up with proven investors like myself, to make their returns explode!  You can get 10-12% returns tax free that are secured by  real estate purchased well below market value

In exchange for your monetary investment you get a mortgage, promissory note, title insurance, and hazzard insurance.  Everything the bank would want is given to you as a private investor, including the 10%-12% return.

I’m sure you know that the best deals in real estate are going on in your back yard every day.  When will you get a piece of the dream?  To me, it’s all about building a real estate empire for my son, Tavon.  I don’t have a college degree, but real estate has allowed me to obtain financial freedom, and it can do the same thing for you if you give it a chance.

Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong!

Stop listening to the so called experts!  Especially the ones that work for other people.  My take is that if they were such an expert, they would have others working for them. It wouldn’t be the other way around., would it?

Please don’t think that I’m bashing brokers or the stock market, but it is time for you to start looking out for yourself.  Your family needs you to become an Intelligent Investor.  Get educated.  Learn how to invest in other things as well.  Gold and silver are always great buys.

You should also learn to  operate inside of trusts.

I think I’m starting to ramble, so I’m going to conclude now.  I hope this has been inspiring to you.  If it has please tell at least ten of your family and friends about this blog.

My membership site is due to be released in the next few weeks.  If you think this free blog is a blessing to you, imagine what my paid membership site is going to be like.

Do your own research! Don’t just listen to me.  If  you only listen to one  person you are a follower.  If you listen to a little bit from different people and do your own due diligence, you become a student of life.  That is the blessing of God.

Please leave a comment if this blog has blessed you.  It should be an awakening for your soul.

Until tomorrow,

Keep God 1st, Invest in People

CL Jones

More Tips on How to Beat the Stock Market!

Good Morning Investors,

Today is a gloomy rainy day in Stratford, CT.  There isn’t  too much going.  But if you know me, you know that I’m always searching and praying for wisdom.  I’ve been up since 3am thinking of ways to help you create wealth for your  family.  I believe that nothing beats the self directed IRA.  I also believe 100% in Equity Trust Company as a true vehicle to build tax free wealth.  Aren’t you tired of getting headaches worrying about the stock market?

I’ve been out of it since the Qualcom frenzy back in the late 90’s.  Today I don’t worry about the stockmarket anymore.  My passive income is set up with real estate, tax liens (which are government backed), and my training classes.  My job these days are to provide you with top quality information on how to make you wealthy.  I will soon put a book out on how to quit your job in less than 2 years, and never look back.

Today is a light Sunday.

Come back tomorrow as I reveal my latest no money down real estate deal that will net  about $50,000 tax free with my self directed IRA at Equity Trust Company.

Don’t be afraid to email me with any questions you may have at


P.S  >>>> Are there any buyers out there looking for great deals on homes and land?  If so, please POST YOUR COMMENT HERE to get a list of great deals.

Until next time,

keep God 1st, Invest in people

CL Jones

Move over Wall Street! Real Estate Agent Makes $10,000 with Equity Trust Co and CL Jones w/Self Directed IRA

Real Estate Agent makes $10,000.00 investing in Real Estate with CL Jones and Equity Trust Company….Thanks self directed IRA!

Good Morning Investors,

Yesterday was a great day for real estate!  I had a new investor collect a check for $10,000.00 yesterday!  I am so proud of my student Maria who jumped right in to my No B.S. Real Estate Investing System.  Now she is reaping the rewards of being a believer in the CL Jones Real Estate Investing Network.  Maria is one of many real estate agents to cross over to the investing side and start reaping the benefits of creative real estate investing. 

Maria strokes Golden Goose

 Maria received her golden payday less than 90 days in my system.  Remember, she didn’t have a clue on how to invest before she learned about the CL Jones Real Estate Network.  All I can say about Maria is that she is a real no nonsense lady who is determined to use real estate to build wealth for her family. 





More about Maria!

Maria is one of many of my students who have taken their money out of the stock market and decided that they are going to self direct their investments.  Many people still don’t realize that they don’t have to ride the roller coaster of the stock market any longer.  Although over time, since 1920, the  stock market has given investors an average annual 11 percent return, real estate has done much better.

 But how many people have the stomach to ride the roller coaster ride that the market will take you on?  My students always get double digit returns either tax deferred or tax free with Equity Trust Company.  Our network will never feel the chaos of the stock market

Safe Returns

 We believe in safe returns that are backed by below value real estate.  Our private lenders receive a mortgage, promissory note, hazzard insurance, and title insurance on property that has no more than a 70% loan to value on each piece of propety that we buy.  These rates even make bankers jealous

Educate the public 

My job is to educate the public on what is available to them.  Your banker, or CPA will never tell you about this information because they don’t know.  So without further ado, I will show you the video that is going to shock the world!  IF you are tired of the stock market here is the stock market alternative. 

Equity Trust Company (I thank God for them)

 It’s called a Self directed IRA.  This has changed my life and many others.  The choice is yours.  IF you keep doing what everyone else is doing, you will get what they are getting.  Be a leader and try something different.

Planet Earth, meet Maria! (see video below)   Who else wants $10,000 from CL Jones?



For more info on joining my network so you can claim your piece of the dream, click here.
Until next time,

Keep God 1st, Invest in People

CL Jones