More Tips on How to Beat the Stock Market!

Good Morning Investors,

Today is a gloomy rainy day in Stratford, CT.  There isn’t  too much going.  But if you know me, you know that I’m always searching and praying for wisdom.  I’ve been up since 3am thinking of ways to help you create wealth for your  family.  I believe that nothing beats the self directed IRA.  I also believe 100% in Equity Trust Company as a true vehicle to build tax free wealth.  Aren’t you tired of getting headaches worrying about the stock market?

I’ve been out of it since the Qualcom frenzy back in the late 90’s.  Today I don’t worry about the stockmarket anymore.  My passive income is set up with real estate, tax liens (which are government backed), and my training classes.  My job these days are to provide you with top quality information on how to make you wealthy.  I will soon put a book out on how to quit your job in less than 2 years, and never look back.

Today is a light Sunday.

Come back tomorrow as I reveal my latest no money down real estate deal that will net  about $50,000 tax free with my self directed IRA at Equity Trust Company.

Don’t be afraid to email me with any questions you may have at


P.S  >>>> Are there any buyers out there looking for great deals on homes and land?  If so, please POST YOUR COMMENT HERE to get a list of great deals.

Until next time,

keep God 1st, Invest in people

CL Jones